Tomb Raider 2 Gold Walkthrough

Here’s the work-in-progress Tomb Raider 2 walkthrough – no meds, all secrets, with commentary.

The game comprises 18 levels: The Great Wall, Venice, Bartoli’s Hideout, Opera House, Offshore Rig, Diving Area, 40 Fathoms, Wreck of the Maria Doria, Living Quarters, The Deck, Tibetan Foothills, Barkhang Monastery, Catacombs of the Talion, Ice Palace, Temple of Xian, Floating Islands, Dragon’s Lair and Home Sweet Home.

This is the work-in-progress Tomb Raider 2 walkthrough playlist on YouTube…

Tomb Raider 2: The Golden Mask

And here’s the complete Tomb Raider 2: The Golden Mask walkthrough – no meds, all secrets, with commentary.

The expansion comprises five levels: The Cold War, Fool’s Gold, Furnace of the Gods, Kingdom and Nightmare in Vegas.

This is the complete Tomb Raider 2: The Golden Mask walkthrough playlist on YouTube…